Building Snapshot is a FREE monthly report on real estate activity in your condominium building. It is emailed to you every month, with option to unsubscribe, and it lists all the current active listings for sale and the recent sales for the previous month.
Part of the report is also your unit basic information, such as: assessment, tax info, size, sold price and date, etc, and building statistical data. Building stats data shows the average asking and sold price for all active and sold listings, also average price per square foot for both active and solds. Furthemore, this data is broken down by number of bedrooms.
Future reports will incorporate graphs for both active and sold units for the past 6 months, which will give you a visaul representation of the activity your in building.
Building Snapshot is still in the beta phase and improving daily. It is brought to you by Sanjin Cvetkovic, a Realtor with Century 21 In Town Realty office in downtown Vancouver, and also
You can check a demo report here, and also sign up for FREE report here.
Your comments are appreciated and welcome!
If you would like to see some other features in this report please do not hesitate to contact Sanjin Cvetkovic at 604-771-6415 or by email at
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