- Official Market Type Downtown: Sellers market at 23% Sales Ratio average (2.3 in 10 homes selling)
- Homes are selling on average 2% below list price
- Most Active Price Band* +/- $1 mil: $300,000 to $400,000 (36% Sales Ratio); $1.5 mil to $1.75 mil (35% Sales Ratio)
- Buyers Best Bet* under $1 mil: Homes from $900,000 to $1 mil (Buyers market), Coal Harbour and minimum 4 bedrooms
- Sellers Best Bet*: Selling homes in Yaletown and up to 1 bedroom properties
To view complete report with 13-month graph and other Vancouver neighborhoods please visit :
Official Market Type Definitions: To ensure you understand the Sales Ratio % statistic please CLICK HERE
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